Roof Repair

The Best Time For Roof Repair in CA

Undergoing any type of roof repair or replacement is an extensive project that can pose numerous challenges to both you and the contractor. these challenges can sometimes be made worse by Add on the risk of adverse weather, and this can cause a potential delay to the project.

In order to keep disruption to a minimum and avoid any additional costs, when is the best period of the year to order roofing services in California?

Spring – March, April & May

Spring is typically considered a good time to order roofing services as many contractors are less busy during this time, and the number of warmer, sunnier days start to become more frequent.

Homeowners will have also felt the brunt of a damaged roof during the colder, wetter winter months, so spring is likely the first chance they will get to repair it.

Although there is always the chance of sustained periods of rain during spring, many contractors still feel it is a good time to install a new roof or repair an existing one.

One of the main issues when replacing a roof is moisture getting trapped during the installation and causing problems further down the line, hence why the drier months are more favorable for this kind of work.


  • Milder weather and generally lower humidity
  • Contractors have a more open schedule at this time of year


  • Heavy rainfall is still a possibility, potentially causing delays

Fall – September, October & November

The cooler weather experienced in fall, compared to the sweltering heat of late summer provides an optimal time to replace a roof or conduct repair work, as such, this is considered by many as the best time of year to complete this type of work.

Temperatures are mild meaning damage to materials is unlikely, this moderate weather is also kinder on the contractors, meaning fewer breaks and postponements, helping them finish the job in good time. Although rainfall can be an issue later in the season, early fall generally guarantees a large number of dry days, while storms are also less likely.

One downside to ordering roof repair work in the fall is the increase in demand, as many people look to prepare their home for the winter months, this can sometimes result in paying higher rates, or in some cases, contractors not being available. To tackle this, it is advised to book your fall repair work as early in the year as possible.


  • Mild and dry weather early in the season
  • Moderate temperatures that minimize the chance of damage to materials and improve working conditions


  • Busy season for contractors
  • Chance of rainfall later in the season

Spring is a few months away, so reach out to Peterson Roofing today! Lets get you on the books for Spring!

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