Roof Restoration in Modesto CA | Roof and Coating Services Near Me

Looking to stay within your budget for re-roofing? Look no further! We offer the perfect solution for your commercial property with our commercial roof coating and roof restoration services. Our exceptional restoration systems are meticulously crafted to meet stringent standards and have the potential to prolong the lifespan of your commercial roof indefinitely. Experience a revitalized roof that’s as good as new, backed by extensive factory warranties ranging from 10 to 20 years.

Peterson Roofing boasts factory certification from multiple renowned companies, specializing in the installation of advanced acrylic, silicone, and urethane roof coating systems. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive roof survey and discover the ideal solution tailored to your commercial roof’s needs.

  • We prioritize installation processes that cause minimal disruptions to your business or tenants, ensuring a seamless experience for all stakeholders involved.

  • Deliver a flawless, waterproof membrane that seamlessly covers your existing roof.

  • Prolong the lifespan of your current roof.

  • Experience exceptional durability and remarkable tensile strength.

  • Opt for a cost-effective alternative to full re-roofing.

  • Qualifying roofs can benefit from impressive 10-20 year NDL warranties.

  • Experience exceptional UV-ray resistance

  • ENERGY STAR ® certified.

  • Experience the benefit of reflecting up to 85% of the sun’s rays.

  • Unlock potential savings of up to 30% on your A/C costs.

  • Ensure a prolonged lifespan for your roof through regular maintenance and the option to recoat.

  • Possible 100% deduction/expensing in the installation year. Seek advice from a CPA or tax lawyer for tax matters.

Peterson Roofing excels as a top authority in a multitude of roof restoration systems. In the event that a coating system doesn’t align with the requirements of your property, we are more than willing to delve into and explore alternative solutions to address your concerns.

Rest assured that we will discuss and cover all available options to effectively resolve the issues with your roof. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive assistance tailored to your specific needs.

Get A Quote Today

Peterson Roofing excels as a top authority in a variety of roof restoration systems. If a coating system is not suitable for your property, we are more than happy to explore alternative solutions and discuss them to address your roofing issues.

“Peterson Roofing was quick to quote, competitive, professional and quick to start and did quality work on a large scale. I will use them for anything I need here in the Fresno or Merced area!”
-Marc Demelo